As a 100% Native owned small business of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, Michigan, U.S. federal government agencies greatly benefit from Calderwood Enterprises status. They specialize in federal service and construction contracts, receiving sole source contracts up to $4 million.

Fred Sliger, owner, holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. He has been a design build structural engineer for over 20 years. With over 25 years combined contracting and construction experience, he understand that in today’s competitive market the customer does not have to “settle” for anything less than immediate response, comprehensive quality control, professional project management insuring timely completion and complete customer satisfaction.
All employees are thoroughly trained with our systematic approach to project management, supervision, and OSHA safety practices, ensuring worker safety and that all project schedules are maintained and completed on-time.

Calderwood Enterprises strives to keep on the cutting edge of technology and move to the forefront in the federal construction arena. This system of checks and balances combined with a staff committed to Calderwood Enterprises goal of complete customer satisfaction is what sets them apart from the rest.

Native dodem traditions dictate what one’s traditional role in the society would dictate. As the Sandhill Crane represents “Leader”, Calderwood Enterprises strives to be the Leader in its industry.
Calderwood Enterprises welcomes the opportunity to demonstrate to you how our goals can be mutually beneficial.  Contact Us today!